Jeanette Katoney
Jeanette Katoney vividly expresses her Navajo heritage through painting and drawing. Jeanette pursued artistic training at Glendale Community College, was awarded an Associate of Arts Degree from the Institute of American Indian Arts and worked toward a Batchelor of Arts degree at Northern Arizona University. The relationship of ancient ways with modern times has been a theme in her paintings. Her use of bold colors and symbols dating back to petroglyphs, together with European media of pastel, prismacolor and oil, bring together the ancient and the modern. She uses the strength of the individual to interpret the wisdom from the past into meaning for the present. Her painting most often reflects various elements of living on earth resulting from her culture’s great reverence for all living things and for spiritual beings. Many of her masterworks reflect the interplay of these forces. Through a unique combination of Navajo themes, environmental elements, and understanding, Katoney provides a unique interpretation of the beauty and majesty of the Southwest.