Gilberto Jumbo
Winter Wanderers
Artist: Gilberto Jumbo (b.1958)
Description: Watercolor (1994) | Left: 7”h x 5”w; Right: Each 3”h x 6”w; Bottom: 4”h x 10”wpainting
Navajo artist, Gilberto Jumbo’s watercolors depict various scenes of American Indians and their treks across the terrain in the frosty winter months. Shown here are three images that portray Indians on horseback and the fourth is of a camp of tipis.
Jumbo who studied at the Institute of American Indian Arts specializes in watercolors and has won numerous awards at major shows across the west. Some of his works include various aspects of ancient Anasazi canyons while others the stunning landscapes of the Navajo Nation including those near his home at the mouth of Canyon de Chelly. His work is acquired by enthusiastic collectors around the globe.

Navajo artist, Gilberto Jumbo’s watercolors depict various scenes of American Indians and their treks across the terrain in the frosty winter months. Shown here are three images that portray Indians on horseback and the fourth is of a camp of tipis.
Jumbo who studied at the Institute of American Indian Arts specializes in watercolors and has won numerous awards at major shows across the west. Some of his works include various aspects of ancient Anasazi canyons while others the stunning landscapes of the Navajo Nation including those near his home at the mouth of Canyon de Chelly. His work is acquired by enthusiastic collectors around the globe.
Winter Wanderers
Artist: Gilberto Jumbo (b.1958)
Watercolor (1994) | Left: 7”h x 5”w; Right: Each 3”h x 6”w; Bottom: 4”h x 10”w
Navajo artist, Gilberto Jumbo’s watercolors depict various scenes of American Indians and their treks across the terrain in the frosty winter months. Shown here are three images that portray Indians on horseback and the fourth is of a camp of tipis.
Jumbo who studied at the Institute of American Indian Arts specializes in watercolors and has won numerous awards at major shows across the west. Some of his works include various aspects of ancient Anasazi canyons while others the stunning landscapes of the Navajo Nation including those near his home at the mouth of Canyon de Chelly. His work is acquired by enthusiastic collectors around the globe.
paintingNavajo artist, Gilberto Jumbo’s watercolors depict various scenes of American Indians and their treks across the terrain in the frosty winter months. Shown here are three images that portray Indians on horseback and the fourth is of a camp of tipis.
Jumbo who studied at the Institute of American Indian Arts specializes in watercolors and has won numerous awards at major shows across the west. Some of his works include various aspects of ancient Anasazi canyons while others the stunning landscapes of the Navajo Nation including those near his home at the mouth of Canyon de Chelly. His work is acquired by enthusiastic collectors around the globe.